Emergency Medical ID Bands: A USB Drive Can Save Your Life
Dear Reader, this post is available in audio and written formats, so you can listen, download and listen later, or read – whatever works best for you. I have dragged my feet for years in refusing to get an emergency medical ID bracelet. The older medical alert bracelets were not pretty, they had steel wristbands […]
Visiting a Sickbed or Deathbed: What do you bring, do or say?
Updated 1/2/2017 Readers of this blog often ask me “What is the best present I can bring someone who is dying?” Readers also ask what they can or should bring, do, or say when visiting an elder, or someone on their sickbed, or a terminally ill family member, or a friend who may be bed […]
How to Stop Thefts from Elders and the Dead
Updated 7/17/16 Dear Reader, this post is available in audio and print format, you can also download the audio post and listen to it later. Preventing thefts and recovering assets stolen from vulnerable adults, elders and the dead has been the focus of my elder law practice for the past decade. These forms of thefts […]
In Death, Laughter is Allowed!
Note: This post is available in audio form for ease of listening. This audio can also be downloaded and listened to on other media devices. For audio versions of other posts, see the page Listen to Posts for a selection of recorded posts. We think of death as this solemn time. Picture in your mind a family […]
When Your Abuser or Abandoner Dies: How to Cope
“Don’t speak ill of the dead.” I’m sure you’ve heard that saying at some point in your life. I’ve heard it for decades and wondered where that phrase came from. I found the origins of this saying date back to Roman times. In Latin the phrase is: “De mortuis nil nisi bonum.” People used to […]
Grief is Not Selfish!
Dear Readers, This post is also available in audio form, so you can listen now or download for later. I know this one truth about the emotion called grief: it will find its way out of that inner closet you shoved it into, and it will happen on a day when you least expect it, and […]