COVID-19: Sitting Vigil & Grieving Alone
These are scary times in every country, county, town, and village on earth. A loved one develops COVID-19 symptoms, has trouble breathing and the next thing that happens is they go into a hospital, alone. We can’t visit. We trust the doctors and nurses to do what they can to heal our loved one, and […]

Emily & Bernard: A Love Story
Emily and Bernard share their wisdom and insights on falling in love in later years.

When you are heartbroken – Breathe
The sudden death of a child or young person, a loving wife or husband or best friend, can break our hearts. We feel shattered into so many pieces we don’t know how to face each day. We know we will never see the world the same way. We will never be the same person we were […]

Sitting Vigil at a Death Bed: A Checklist
How do we support the body, mind, and soul of a dying person? We want to know how to tell if our loved one is in pain so we can get them the right pain medications. We ask what we can do to make a loved one more comforted and comfortable. We need to know […]

My brother Michael died.
Dear Readers, I have not posted much in 2018 and 2019 and I would like to share the reason for that with you. I’ve been struggling with a lack of energy and motivation around writing for this blog for the past year because of my brother’s illness and death. My brother Michael, ten years older […]

Dot and Ted – A Poet Takes on Alzheimer’s Disease
To listen to this interview click on this link: Ted and Dot Morgan were married on April 8, 1952. On March 9, 2016, after many years of a loving and committed partnership, Dot was admitted to a dementia care unit in the small town in western Kansas where they had made a home and raised […]